It’s time to Take ACTION.

Violence recognition and response training courses for law enforcement, multidisciplinary teams, corporate, and educational institutions.

Don’t miss these amazing courses coming up!

A two-day investigations course to help you become the “go to” officer on the street (and in the office) for help with cases involving abuse, interviews, and crime scenes. Because everyone needs it, we also brought in a fentanyl expert.

Our third day addresses violence and threat, with active shooter prevention tactics. This day is for all members of the team. The basics of threat assessment and management. Learning about leakage statements, Pathway Warning Behaviors, creating safer environments, stalking, and much more. Case studies, professional expertise and content, will help set the foundation for your work helping to prevent targeted violence / active shooter.

The ACTION Academy Training Courses

  • Two-Day Investigations

    This intensive course provides the foundation of information attendees need to conduct effective, thorough investigations. Discussions and training to include investigation best practices for persons’ crimes, walk-through crime scene and forensic information, search warrants, electronic evidence, resources, engagement, and more. All patrol staff and investigations may benefit from the comprehensive investigations’ knowledge in this course.

  • Advanced Investigations

    Once you have the basics, join our ACTION Team for Advanced Investigations. We discuss writing and serving effective search warrants for all cases, geo tracking, working serial cases, NCIC offline searches, forensic evidence collection, open source intelligence searches, and more. These are the tips and tricks of the trade from seasoned investigators ready to help you and your team succeed.

  • Threat, Restraining Orders & Stalking

    Red flag violence warning behaviors and threats are best addressed in a multi-disciplinary team environment. Stalking and threat cases can be some of the most extensive and long-term cases for any agency - but also the most important. This course provides step-by-step evidence-based patrol and investigations training to help attendees develop strong stalking cases, focused on both victim and community physical and psychological safety.

  • Building A Threat Assessment and Management Program

    Every jurisdiction needs a well-developed threat assessment and management program. Creating such a program requires a Full Circle approach to include location assessment security, as well as behavioral threat concerns. This course will teach Pathway Warning behaviors and create a paradigm shift about threat, while providing immediate use information for any agency looking to start responding to behaviors of concern as a multidisciplinary team.

  • Crime Scene Investigation

    Understanding the methodology of crime scene investigation is imperative to any law enforcement officer. This course provides detailed information related to how we investigate crime scenes and use forensic science to address potential evidence. Attendees will study the effective use of search warrants, evidence collection, fingerprinting and DNA, photography, blood spatter, and more to discover what really happened.

  • Three-Day Introduction to Homicide Investigations

    Best for patrol and new investigators, this intensive course wraps up decades of experience into three days so our ACTION Academy Team can train our law enforcement how to investigate death. The three-day course provides all of the filler and no fluff when it comes to intense training on homicide case investigation.

  • Forensic Evaluation of Gunshot Wounds

    Addressing the investigation of Gunshot Wounds effectively is an important task that affects both living and non-living victims. This course is taught by a guest instructor who is a forensic medical doctor; one who brings vast experience and an extremely congenial manner to this subject. This class will likely make your Top Ten.

  • Domestic Violence Investigations

    Effective intimate partner physical and sexual abuse recognition and response begins with an understanding of abuse dynamics and all the aspects of power and control. This course will provide this, and show the attendee how to conduct detailed, evidence-based investigations with the physical and psychological safety of the victim in mind. Course content shall include a basic understanding of abuse crimes, strangulation, investigative tactics, working with recanting victims, interviewing, murder/suicide, and familicide.

  • Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations

    This course will teach advanced sexual assault investigation including trauma-informed interviewing and case management, creating the right timelines to support evidence collection and case development, training investigators to use perspective messaging, exploring the different components of a “consent defense” investigation, and providing expert field investigation tactics to help corroborate statements.

  • Investigating the Consent Defense in Sexual Assault

    Learn investigation tactics and potential avenues to search for evidence while working on drug/alcohol-facilitated sexual assault cases, including those where consent is the defense. When the primary investigation focus changes from “who” did it (DNA) to who is telling the truth about “what” happened (corroboration).

  • Human Trafficking Investigations

    Each year, men, women, and children are trafficked across the world for forced labor, fraud, sexual acts, and more, and business is booming. This course discusses the red flags of different types of human trafficking, how to disrupt the cash flow while holding people responsible for this insidious crime, and help caretake the victims along the way as best one can.

  • Advanced Fentanyl Investigations

    Fentanyl is one of the leading causes of death among persons 17-25 years of age. With this rising lethality rate, police departments need to adapt to combat it. Attendees to this course will learn how to apply state and federal statutes to arrest the dealers, what evidence is needed to construct a case to be submitted to state and federal prosecutors. They will learn how to seize the evidence and employ interview and interrogation techniques. There will be practical exercises so the student can implement these ideas right away into their current and future investigations.

  • Interview & Interrogation

    Every profession requires the ability to not just talk with people, but to understand them, their experiences, and backgrounds. We will discuss how to conduct effective interviews and interrogations, based on the ability to reflect a person’s opinions, roadblocks, and concerns back to them in a way that allows them to relax and have an informative conversation rather than shut down and refuse to engage.

  • Effective Report Writing

    Writing excellent reports is not just about getting your Grammar Police on. Rather, it is about providing statements and evidence-based information in such a clear and concise manner, that the reader is left without questions, because even what could not be explained was addressed. This is an art form that can be learned and repeated and an absolute must in any field within the justice community.

  • The Imperative Warrior Mindset

    An effective law enforcement officer must be both a warrior to defend and a friend to aid within their community. Officers must practice and cultivate bravery and honor to help strengthen courage whenever it is needed to save the lives of innocents, while balancing the emotional intelligence to communicate and serve those everyday who need our help and hope. Our ACTION Team instructors will help you develop and navigate this mindset through the curriculum and their experience in defensive tactics instruction, high-risk patrol and warrants service, and more.

  • Recognizing & De-Escalating Threat Situations

    Intimate partner abuse cases are significant identifiers for those who may commit violence against their families, workplaces, schools, and communities. Recognizing threat behaviors and significant lethality indicators, such as strangulation, and understanding effective de-escalation tactics, are extremely important factors to help enhance safety for both victims and first responders.

  • Leadership & Executive Strategies for Community / Staff Engagement

    Leadership is not about authority; leadership is a choice, whether you are an executive or line staff. This course uses best practices in business development for attendees increase communication, engagement, and change within their organizations for maximum effect.

  • Building Full Circle Programs Without Breaking the Bank

    Creating real programs to solve problems, allowing agencies to handle issues effectively across multi-disciplines is a learned skill. We explore roadmaps for looking outside of your own perspective to open up to ideas and see the future in terms that can be applied and measured for realistic change - and we will show you how to start this change for little or no money. Bring your issue to class and we will design solutions together.

  • Grant Writing & Agency Program Development

    A comprehensive grants strategic plan can be the huge change your agency or non-profit needs. This course will discuss program development related to grants, creating and abiding by a mission statement and culture, and how to write and create sustainable grants to help your agency solve problems and thrive.

  • Trauma Normalization for Safer Environments

    Safer environments are created when there is trust; trust among supervisors and employees, co-workers, clients. We discuss how to build that trust in any environment (schools, agencies, military, etc.) by employing successful business practices to create strong, supported teams where leadership, open communication, and productivity is a way of life.

  • SURVIVOR of the FITTEST Wellness Program

    “Recover Your Strength by Being FREE (Fitness, Recovery, Engagement & Exploration).” Explore our Survivor program, as we begin to “take the drama out of trauma,” normalizing our reactions to stress, and physical or emotional harm. Open a program in your jurisdiction and begin to address wellness directly from real victims and those who have served them.

  • SAFER Corporate

    Foundational corporate security, human resources, and all stakeholders training that addresses violence recognition and response, with a special focus on domestic violence and the workplace. Learn how creating these programs at work will enhance business operations in SAFER environments.

  • SAFER Schools

    Creating a student environment that promotes empathy, engagement, information sharing, and pathways to healthy behaviors. Violence recognition and response for student, staff, parent, and outside actor behaviors. Done in a positive, safe space and learning environment to enhance student, staff, and parent comfort.

  • Ready. Set. Go. Training.

    A self-leadership course for staff that creates development pathways to excellence, career, and personal growth. A strategic plan course for life and career, encouraging ways to enhance teamwork and positive working environments.

Meet our ACTION team.

  • Instructor Master Investigator (ret.) Rachael Frost

    Effective violence recognition and response programs and education have been a career focus for Master Investigator (ret.) Rachael Frost. A 20-year law enforcement veteran and threat assessment and management investigator, Rachael specializes in intimate partner and family violence to include domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and more. For more than a decade, she has developed teams across wide jurisdictions and disciplines to work in concert to address intimate partner violence and threat, both internally and externally.

    A nationally recognized trainer, Rachael believes in effective, intensive, interesting training that helps create positive change in investigations, leadership, multidisciplinary team response, community engagement, and survivor and first responder wellness. She is focused on motivation and self-leadership within the first responder community as an imperative to building stronger community connections while enhancing responder safety.

  • Instructor Lieutenant (ret.) Dean Spivacke

    After more than a 30-year career in law enforcement, Dean has a wide variety of patrol and special teams’ history such as K9, SWAT, and narcotics. But his true expertise was developed after promoting to investigator where he excelled in child abuse investigations and then at the Riverside Sheriff’s Department’s Central Homicide Unit where he was involved in the investigation of more than 500 murders, 100+ of which were child homicides, as well as approximately 100 officer-involved shooting investigations. Dean was the investigator everyone turned to when it was time to roundtable an incident, a problem, a subject, the evidence. His perspective and experience were invaluable to learn how to approach investigations from all angles and with all available tactics and ideas from digital search warrants, interviews, and out-of-the-box case examples.

    Dean promoted to sergeant within the Homicide unit, and later as a sergeant and then lieutenant he was responsible for supervising patrol functions and law enforcement services, and served as an Assistant Police Chief for two complex contract cities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology, a master’s degree in organizational leadership, and is an adjunct professor at both Riverside City and Mt. San Jacinto Colleges. In addition to sharing his leadership and experience through the ACTION Academy, Dean also serves as Frost ICED’s Director of Investigations, specializing in case evaluation and investigation into violence and abuse litigation.

  • Instructor Mike Cornett

    Mike has 28 years of law enforcement experience in both large city and county agencies. He specializes in Domestic Violence and Threat Management having worked hand-in-hand with his current department’s multidisciplinary threat management team. He has trained hundreds of law enforcement officers in crime scene processing, report writing, and domestic violence investigations.

    As an investigator, Mike has always been “a dog with a bone,” absolutely passionate about putting together the puzzle to reveal the truth. He brings these decades of experience to his instruction, showing training attendees how to take each investigation as far as one can each time. Mike currently works primarily in Fentanyl investigations and has been part of a unit that has seized enough Fentanyl dangerous enough in potency and quantity to kill the entire country. Mike brings what he has learned during these investigations to teams across the country with the ACTION Academy Team.

  • Instructor James Merrill

    As a sworn law enforcement officer for more than 22 years, James has primarily worked persons crimes, including the homicide unit. He has a passion for law enforcement and multidisciplinary team education and has developed courses on crime scene, murder, and overall complex investigations. James has a strong focus on first responder wellness and resiliency, showcasing his commitment to trauma normalization in all his instruction.

    Having trained law enforcement academy classes in all of the above areas, as well as in child and sexual abuse investigation, James brings a trusted teaching style to the ACTION Academy Team. Based on the delivery of Peace Officer Standards and Training learning objectives, James is dedicated to a comprehensive training program for every course at the ACTION Academy. Which means, ensuring all classes address issues from a “Full Circle” perspective.

    James is the instructor who will help attendees “get it right” from the very beginning and with every step along the way.

  • ACTION Instructors

    All of our ACTION Academy Training Team instructors have extensive real-world experience. They embody our mission which is to train law enforcement to have a warrior mindset combined with emotional intelligence. Our instructors believe in and foster multidisciplinary team response and considerations in all their training curriculum.

    Homicide investigators, drug specialists, domestic violence and stalking experts, defensive tactics instructors, and more, all create our extended team. Our instructors are committed to training across the United States, concentrating in areas where agencies do not have numerous personnel to backfill positions for long periods of training. We bring our experts to you with detailed information and passion designed to help your agencies perform with excellence in all situations and investigations.

  • Guest Instructors

    Committed to bringing attendees the best and most up-to-date training possible, the ACTION Academy Team routinely adds instructors to the roster for specialized courses. By choosing people who have exceptional teaching styles and relevant and interesting content, ACTION can continue to expand its course catalog effectively to meet the growing needs of law enforcement and multidisciplinary teams everywhere.

    Recommendations or jurisdictional need for a course? Please reach out and share what you are looking for with us. We will find the best instructor(s) and create content that is current and relevant. As always, provided in an instruction manner that is always exceptional, never boring. Reach out at

  • Commitment

    All our instructors are not just committed to excellent training, but to positive experiences, relationships, and ensuring all attendees get the greatest benefit out of each course.

    We take the time to engage, discuss, re-direct to provide specific information, and more. While we have carefully curated content for each course, we provide experts in each field who are able to shift and have immediate discussions about their instructive topic to assist attendees in gaining the most out of each course. We encourage questions and information sharing to help attendees gain “a-ha!” moments wherever possible.

    Your time is valuable and we will not waste it, but promise to make the most of what time we have together to learn and connect.

  • Our Guarantee

    We say it throughout our advertising, website, courses, and rooftops - and we mean every word. If attendees do not find our course professional, relevant, current, and including actionable, realistic items to help improve how they do their jobs, we will provide a complete course fee refund. We are that confident that our classes have true value to professionals who want to increase their abilities.

    We also promise to never be boring. Have you ever been to a training and you could not wait for it to be over? We refuse to provide such training and require course information and delivery that makes a difference in how you learn. Interesting, relevant, expert training.

    You have a job to do. We help you be great at it.

Our articles.


Frog-In-A-Pot: A Tale of Domestic Abuse

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ACEs and the Three Little Pigs: How Childhood Trauma Affects Our Foundations

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Lessons from One-Handed Nic: A Survivor’s Story

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“When you know better, you do better.”

— Maya Angelou